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Scientific Reasons Why Everyone Needs a Frenchie

January 09, 20231 min read

Frenchies are known for their playful and affectionate personalities. But did you know that there are also several scientific reasons why everyone needs a Frenchie in their lives? Here are three of them:

1. Frenchies can improve your mood

According to a study published in the journal Anthrozoös, petting a dog can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and can even improve your mood. This is because petting a dog can trigger the release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine in the brain, which can help to calm and relax you.

2. Frenchies can help you to be more active

Owning a dog, like a Frenchie, can also be a great motivator to get more physical activity. Dogs need regular exercise and playtime, which can help to encourage their owners to get outside and move more. This can be especially beneficial for people who are otherwise sedentary or have difficulty with motivation.

3. Frenchies can help to reduce loneliness and social isolation

For many people, a Frenchie is more than just a pet – they are a valued member of the family. This can be especially important for people who live alone or who are isolated from others, as a Frenchie can provide companionship and social support. According to a study published in the journal Social Science & Medicine, pet owners are more likely to have a larger social network and to have more frequent social interactions, compared to non-pet owners.

In short, Frenchies are not just adorable and playful – they also have several scientifically-proven benefits that can improve your mood, health, and happiness.

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