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What to do when your Frenchie is scared?

January 09, 20232 min read

Frenchies, like all dogs, can sometimes experience fear and anxiety. Whether they are scared of other dogs, loud noises, or strangers, it's important to recognize and address their fear in order to keep them happy and healthy.

One of the first steps in helping your Frenchie overcome their fear is to identify the source of their fear. Is your Frenchie scared of other dogs, loud noises, or strangers? Once you have identified the source of their fear, you can take steps to help them overcome it.

If your Frenchie is scared of other dogs, for example, you can try exposing them to other dogs in a controlled and safe environment. Start by introducing them to one dog at a time, in a quiet and peaceful setting. Gradually increase the number of dogs and the level of stimulation as your Frenchie becomes more comfortable. This can help them learn to socialize with other dogs and overcome their fear.

If your Frenchie is scared of loud noises, such as fireworks or thunder, you can try desensitizing them to the noise. Start by playing a recording of the noise at a low volume and gradually increase the volume over time. Reward your Frenchie with treats and praise when they remain calm and relaxed. This can help them learn to associate the noise with positive experiences and overcome their fear.

If your Frenchie is scared of strangers, you can try socializing them with a variety of people in different settings. Start by introducing them to one person at a time, in a quiet and peaceful setting. Gradually increase the number of people and the level of stimulation as your Frenchie becomes more comfortable. This can help them learn to trust and interact with new people and overcome their fear.

In conclusion, Frenchies, like all dogs, can sometimes experience fear and anxiety. It's important to identify the source of their fear and take steps to help them overcome it. By exposing them to the source of their fear in a controlled and safe environment, you can help them learn to trust and overcome their fear. This can help keep your Frenchie happy and healthy.

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