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Dangers of Walking your Frenchie in the summer

January 10, 20231 min read

To prevent heat strokes in your Frenchie, it's important to pay attention to the temperature and humidity. If the air is hot and muggy, it can be difficult for your dog to regulate their body temperature, which can lead to heat stroke. To prevent this, avoid taking your Frenchie for a walk during the hottest part of the day, and make sure they have access to plenty of shade and water.

In addition to heat strokes, another common summer injury among Frenchies is burned paw pads. The pavement can get very hot in the summer, and if your Frenchie's paws are exposed to the hot surface for too long, it can cause burns. To prevent this, avoid walking your Frenchie on hot pavement, and consider using paw protectors or walking on grassy areas instead.

In conclusion, heat strokes and burned paw pads are common summer injuries among Frenchies, but they can be easily avoided with some simple precautions. By paying attention to the temperature and humidity, avoiding hot pavement, and providing your Frenchie with plenty of shade and water, you can keep your furry friend safe and healthy during the summer months.

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